Donnerstag, 17. November 2016

Succulent DIY

Is there anything better in life than having a piece of tumblr in your own room? I don't think so! 
Actually, I don't even remember the time when everything on the internet was full of succulentes. Succulentes? We're not in Spain, right. Anyway, at some point Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr - every platform that I like to get inspired by - all seemingly consisted of photos of succulents and cacti. Cacti on their own, cacti in terrariums, cacti in triangular shaped boxes, cacti everywhere. 
So, of course, I had to get this bit of tumblrness into my own room. The best thing about succulents and cacti, besides the fact that they just look fabulous, is that they're pretty hard to kill. And since I'm that sort of "I can't even take care of my own life, how could I possibly take care of plant lifes"-person, cacti sounded pretty fitting for me. 

So off I went to grab some cacti! And cacti soil! And sand! And pebbles! See what I did there? Secret hidden shopping list for you guys. You're welcome. 
Apart from the things I jut mentioned I also needed some sort of terrarium to put my babies in. Sounds easy, right? Turned out to be a disaster. Numerous cute decor shops later I ended up buying a glass salad bowl from a supermarket. Yep. It works though!

Once I had all these things together I started assembling.
I started off by putting pebbles on the bottom of the bowl, what you want to do to create a drainage for the times you actually water your cacti.
Next, I put sand and soil in layers leaving space for the actual cacti and their roots (which might be bigger than you think!). Then I arranged my cacti and put more soil next to them to make sure they're comfortable and surrounded by soil.
The following step is optional, but I think it looks cute. I took some more small pebbles and arranged them on the last layer. A little drizzle of sand never hurt nobody, so get creative and have fun!

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